How do I make my payment via Pix?

Find out how to make payments using Pix quickly and safely.

If you are logged into your TRG Club account, when you reach the checkout stage, a page will appear with the selected sessions and a summary of your purchase. Below this information, you will see the payment method options . Choose the Pix option and click on the "Go to payment" button . In the next step, a QR Code and a Pix code will be displayed. To make the payment, access your bank's app to scan the QR Code or copy the Pix code and make the payment manually. The payment must be completed within 30 minutes; otherwise, the session will expire , and you will need to redo the entire scheduling process, including selecting the therapist, date and time. After making the payment, you will be redirected to a confirmation page, where you will see that the scheduling was completed successfully and you will be able to access information about the appointments made, in addition to issuing the proof of purchase. If you are not logged into TRG Club, the process is the same, but you will need to perform a quick login during checkout, providing only your WhatsApp phone number.

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